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Procedural File: edit-form.php

Source Location: /edit-form.php

Page Details:

A function wrapper for the location editor HTML.


geo_mashup_edit_form [line 28]

void geo_mashup_edit_form( string $object_name, string $object_id, [string $ui_manager = ''])

Print the Geo Mashup location editor HTML for an object.

Goals for this interface are to make it usable for any kind of locatable object, to be usable without javascript, functional on the front end or admin, and eventually adaptable to editing multiple locations for an object.

It's assumed this will go inside an existing form for editing the object, such as the WordPress admin post edit form.


see:  geo-mashup-ui-managers.php
see:  geo-mashup-location-editor.js
since:  1.2
access:  public
uses:  edit-form.css


string   $object_name   The type of object, e.g. 'post', 'user', etc.
string   $object_id   The ID of the object being edited.
string   $ui_manager   Optionally the name of UI Manager class to use for AJAX operations.
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Documentation generated on Sat, 09 Jul 2011 21:54:29 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3